Below is a Form1 widget, containing an InputTable3 widget and a SubmitButton2 widget. Submitting the table submits all input fields. In this example clicking an arrow link increments or decrements the corresponding field.


On Submit being pressed, the results are shown here:

This table lists the Responders called to produce this page:

skiwidgets,10702SubmitDataSets up title and widget description
skiwidgets,10704This pageThis page is a template for the inputtables.InputTable3 widget

This is a ShowCallData widget, which displays the contents of the skicall.call_data dictionary.


Below is the Python file which populates this page.

import os, json

from skipole import FailPage, GoTo, ValidateError, ServerError, ServeFile, PageData, SectionData

# Normally table data would be taken from a file or database or other source of data.
TABLECOL1 = [10, 100, 1000, 10000]
TABLECOL2 = [2, 20, 200, 2000]
TABLEINPUT = {'aaa':5, 'bbb':50, 'ccc':500, 'ddd':5000}
KEYS = list(TABLEINPUT.keys())

def index(skicall):
    "Called by a SubmitData responder, and sets up the page"

    # the title and widget decription is in section 'header' which contains a
    # HeadText widget with name 'title' and a TextBlockPara widget with name 'widgetdesc'
    # It also has a ButtonLink2 widget with name 'tomodule'
    headersection = SectionData('header')
    headersection['title', 'large_text'] = 'InputTable3'
    # A textblock contains the widget description
    ref = "widgets.inputtables.InputTable3"
    headersection['widgetdesc','textblock_ref'] = ref
    headersection['widgetdesc','text_refnotfound'] = f'Textblock reference {ref} not found'
    # link to this widgets module page
    headersection['tomodule','button_text'] = "Module: inputtables"
    headersection['tomodule','link_ident'] = skicall.makepath('inputtables')

    # this code file contents is placed in section 'codefile' which contains a
    # PreText widget with name 'pretext'
    codesection = SectionData('codefile')
    code = os.path.realpath(__file__)
    with open(code) as f:
        codesection['pretext', 'pre_text'] =

    # illustrate the table by filling in initial global values
    pd = PageData()
    pd['inputtable3','up_getfield1'] = KEYS
    pd['inputtable3','down_getfield1'] = KEYS
    pd['inputtable3','col1'] = TABLECOL1
    pd['inputtable3','col2'] = TABLECOL2

    if 'tabledone' not in skicall.call_data:
        pd['inputtable3', 'inputdict'] = TABLEINPUT.copy()


def respond(skicall):
    """Called by a GetDictionaryDefaults responder having received a submission
       from inputtable3.
       This responder expects this function to return a dictionary which will be
       updated with the dictionary received from the inputtable3. The responder has
       as its target an AllowStore responder which sets this updated received data
       into skicall.call_data"""

    # This function is necessary since any empty contents may be missing from
    # the submission, and this ensures they are all present, it returns a
    # dictionary of all the keys with empty values

    return { key:'' for key in KEYS}

def renew(skicall):
    """Renews the table on inputdict being received"""
    if ('inputtable3', 'inputdict') not in skicall.call_data:
        raise FailPage(message="No submission received")
        inputdict = skicall.call_data['inputtable3', 'inputdict']
        pd = PageData()
        valuedict = {key:int(inputdict[key]) for key in KEYS}
        pd['inputtable3', 'inputdict'] = valuedict
        stylelist = _set_limit_colours(valuedict)
        if stylelist:
            pd['inputtable3','cell_style'] = stylelist
        # note, listing inputdict by order of key in KEYS ensures
        # the list is kept in the right order
        pd['result', 'contents'] = list(inputdict[key] for key in KEYS)
        pd['result', 'show'] = True
        raise FailPage(message="Invalid submission received")
    # now call index(skicall) to fill in the page again, but flag data is present
    skicall.call_data['tabledone'] = True

def _set_limit_colours(valuedict):
    "Returns a style list, setting cell colours if max or min value has been reached"
    # stylelist is a list of lists, each being [row, col, cssstyle] with row, col
    # being the table body row and column (starting at 1 rather than zero).
    # In this example, colours are set if minimum, or maximum values have
    # been reached
    stylelist = []
    for row, key in enumerate(KEYS):
        if key not in valuedict:
        value = valuedict[key]
        # maximums
        if value == TABLECOL1[row]:
            stylelist.append([row+1, 1, 'background-color:Yellow;color:Black;'])
        elif value > TABLECOL1[row]:
            stylelist.append([row+1, 1, 'background-color:Red;color:Yellow;'])
           stylelist.append([row+1, 1, ''])
        # minimums
        if value == TABLECOL2[row]:
            stylelist.append([row+1, 2, 'background-color:Yellow;color:Black;'])
        elif value < TABLECOL2[row]:
            stylelist.append([row+1, 2, 'background-color:Red;color:Yellow;'])
           stylelist.append([row+1, 2, ''])
    return stylelist

def up(skicall):
    """Up arrow received, increment value, returns JSON update"""
    if ('inputtable3','up_getfield1') not in skicall.call_data:
        raise FailPage(message="No submission received")
    if ('inputtable3','getfield3') not in skicall.call_data:
        raise FailPage(message="No submission received")
        key = skicall.call_data['inputtable3','up_getfield1']
        value = int(skicall.call_data['inputtable3','getfield3'])
        if key == 'aaa':
            inputdict = { key:value+1 }
        elif key == 'bbb':
             inputdict = { key:value+10 }
        elif key == 'ccc':
             inputdict = { key:value+100 }
        elif key == 'ddd':
            inputdict = { key:value+1000 }
            raise FailPage(message="Invalid submission received")
        pd = PageData()
        stylelist = _set_limit_colours(inputdict)
        if stylelist:
            pd['inputtable3','cell_style'] = stylelist
        pd['inputtable3', 'inputdict'] = inputdict
        raise FailPage(message="Invalid submission received")

def down(skicall):
    """Down arrow received, decrement value, returns JSON update"""
    if ('inputtable3','down_getfield1') not in skicall.call_data:
        raise FailPage(message="No submission received")
    if ('inputtable3','getfield3') not in skicall.call_data:
        raise FailPage(message="No submission received")
        key = skicall.call_data['inputtable3','down_getfield1']
        value = int(skicall.call_data['inputtable3','getfield3'])
        if key == 'aaa':
            inputdict = { key:value-1 }
        elif key == 'bbb':
             inputdict = { key:value-10 }
        elif key == 'ccc':
             inputdict = { key:value-100 }
        elif key == 'ddd':
            inputdict = { key:value-1000 }
            raise FailPage(message="Invalid submission received")
        pd = PageData()
        stylelist = _set_limit_colours(inputdict)
        if stylelist:
            pd['inputtable3','cell_style'] = stylelist
        pd['inputtable3', 'inputdict'] = inputdict
        raise FailPage(message="Invalid submission received")