A three column table of two text columns and a text input column. Without a form or submit button, typically included within a form.
Below is a Form1 widget, containing an InputTable1 widget and a SubmitButton2 widget. In this example, submitting the table sets any input into column 1.
Choose a button to test : The tests are described in the code docstrings of each corresponding function.
This table lists the Responders called to produce this page:
skiwidgets,5402 | SubmitData | Sets up title and widget description |
skiwidgets,5404 | This page | This page is a template for the inputtables.InputTable1 widget |
This is a ShowCallData widget, which displays the contents of the skicall.call_data dictionary.
Below is the Python file which populates this page.
import os from skipole import FailPage, GoTo, ValidateError, ServerError, ServeFile, PageData, SectionData # Normally table data would be taken from a file or database or other source of data. TABLECOL1 = ["1 one", "1 two", "1 three", "1 four"] TABLECOL2 = ["2 one", "2 two", "2 three", "2 four"] TABLEINPUT = {'aaa':'input1', 'bbb':'input2', 'ccc':'input3', 'ddd':'input4'} KEYS = list(TABLEINPUT.keys()) def index(skicall): "Called by a SubmitData responder, and sets up the page" # the title and widget decription is in section 'header' which contains a # HeadText widget with name 'title' and a TextBlockPara widget with name 'widgetdesc' # It also has a ButtonLink2 widget with name 'tomodule' headersection = SectionData('header') headersection['title', 'large_text'] = 'InputTable1' # A textblock contains the widget description ref = "widgets.inputtables.InputTable1" headersection['widgetdesc','textblock_ref'] = ref headersection['widgetdesc','text_refnotfound'] = f'Textblock reference {ref} not found' # link to this widgets module page headersection['tomodule','button_text'] = "Module: inputtables" headersection['tomodule','link_ident'] = skicall.makepath('inputtables') skicall.update(headersection) # this code file contents is placed in section 'codefile' which contains a # PreText widget with name 'pretext' codesection = SectionData('codefile') code = os.path.realpath(__file__) with open(code) as f: codesection['pretext', 'pre_text'] = f.read() skicall.update(codesection) # illustrate the table by accepting data from the inputs, and using it to populate col1 pd = PageData() # col2 is static pd['inputtable1','col2'] = TABLECOL2 # col1 is updated with submitted values if they have been received if ('inputtable1', 'inputdict') not in skicall.call_data: # on the first call to this page ('inputtable1', 'inputdict') will # not be in skicall.call_data, so col1 and inputdict are set with initial values pd['inputtable1','col1'] = TABLECOL1 pd['inputtable1', 'inputdict'] = TABLEINPUT else: # however, after data submission, call_data will be defined, so update col1 # and inputdict with the values received call_data = skicall.call_data['inputtable1', 'inputdict'] # note, listing received data by order of key in KEYS ensures # the list is kept in the right order pd['inputtable1', 'col1'] = list(call_data[key] for key in KEYS) pd['inputtable1', 'inputdict'] = {key:call_data[key] for key in KEYS} skicall.update(pd) def respond(skicall): """Called by a GetDictionaryDefaults responder having received a submission from inputtable1. This responder expects this function to return a dictionary which will be updated with the dictionary received from the inputtable1. The responder has as its target an AllowStore responder which sets this updated received data into skicall.call_data and calls the above index function""" # This function is necessary since any empty contents may be missing from # the submission, and this ensures they are all present return { key:'' for key in KEYS} def test(skicall): """Chooses which test to run, depending on button pressed. A FieldStoreSubmit responder checks for the get_field1 field and stores the received data in skicall.submit_dict['received']. The responder has general_json as its target so the PageData values set here are sent as a JSON call""" if 'received' not in skicall.submit_dict: return receiveddict = skicall.submit_dict['received'] if receiveddict.get(('test1', 'get_field1')) == 'test1': _test1(skicall) elif receiveddict.get(('test2', 'get_field1')) == 'test2': _test2(skicall) elif receiveddict.get(('test3', 'get_field1')) == 'test3': _test3(skicall) def _test1(skicall): "Places string 'test1' into the third input field" pd = PageData() pd['inputtable1','inputdict'] = {'ccc':'test1'} skicall.update(pd) def _test2(skicall): "Places style strings into two table cells" pd = PageData() pd['inputtable1','cell_style'] = [[1,1,"background-color:Red;color:Yellow;"], [2,2,"background-color:Yellow;color:Black;"]] skicall.update(pd) def _test3(skicall): "Places new data into column 2" pd = PageData() pd['inputtable1','col2'] = ["col2 row1 test3", "col2 row2 test3", "col2 row3 test3", "col2 row4 test3"] skicall.update(pd)