Module: info

An unknown error has occurred.

Widgets which display information - for example timestamp, page ident, etc.

PageDescriptionA widget displaying a span with the brief description of the page with the given ident. If no page ident is given, shows the brief of the current page.
PageIdentA span displaying the ident of the page containing the widget. If the field page_label is given a value, the ident this label points to will be shown instead.
PageNameA widget containing the name of the given page ident which is set within the text. If no page ident is given, shows name of the current page.
ProgressBar1A div, containing label and progress tag elements.
ProgressBar2A progress bar formed from Divs, not using the progress tag.
ProjectNameA span showing the project ident (usually the project name unless set otherwise).
RedirectorA widget which causes the browser to call the given URL (or label).
Once the page is loaded, the redirection occurs, so normally this is the only widget on the page.
A TextBlock is displayed with the link to the URL if the client has javascript disabled.
If this widget is used as the target widget to display an error, the error message should be a URL, so the widget will cause a redirection on the error being raised.
ServerTimeStampA span containing the server date and time.
SkipoleVersionA span showing the version of the skipole framework.
VersionA span showing the project version of the page it is in.