A widget which causes the browser to call the given URL (or label).
Once the page is loaded, the redirection occurs, so normally this is the only widget on the page.
A TextBlock is displayed with the link to the URL if the client has javascript disabled.
If this widget is used as the target widget to display an error, the error message should be a URL, so the widget will cause a redirection on the error being raised.
This page contains a Redirector widget - however if it was working, then you would not see the page, hence it is purposely shown here with an invalid URL.
Invalid URL "xxxxx" has been given
You can submit a URL here, which will be inserted into the Redirector widget, and the page will be called again - and you should be redirected to the given URL.
This table lists the Responders called to produce this page:
skiwidgets,10202 | SubmitData | Sets up the redirector page |
skiwidgets,10204 | This page | This page is a template for the info.Redirector widget |
This is a ShowCallData widget, which displays the contents of the skicall.call_data dictionary.
Below is the Python file which populates this page.
import os from skipole import FailPage, GoTo, ValidateError, ServerError, ServeFile, PageData, SectionData def index(skicall): "Called by a SubmitData responder, and sets up the page" # the title and widget decription is in section 'header' which contains a # HeadText widget with name 'title' and a TextBlockPara widget with name 'widgetdesc' # It also has a ButtonLink2 widget with name 'tomodule' headersection = SectionData('header') headersection['title', 'large_text'] = 'Redirector' # A textblock contains the widget description ref = "widgets.info.Redirector" headersection['widgetdesc','textblock_ref'] = ref headersection['widgetdesc','text_refnotfound'] = f'Textblock reference {ref} not found' # link to this widgets module page headersection['tomodule','button_text'] = "Module: info" headersection['tomodule','link_ident'] = skicall.makepath('info') skicall.update(headersection) # this code file contents is placed in section 'codefile' which contains a # PreText widget with name 'pretext' codesection = SectionData('codefile') code = os.path.realpath(__file__) with open(code) as f: codesection['pretext', 'pre_text'] = f.read() skicall.update(codesection) def submit_redirection(skicall): "Called to submit a redirection URL" if ('submittext', 'input_text') not in skicall.call_data: raise FailPage(message="No submission received") newurl = skicall.call_data['submittext', 'input_text'] # sanitise newurl if not newurl: raise FailPage("URL not accepted") if not newurl.isascii(): raise FailPage("URL not accepted: This example only accepts simple URL's") for c in " <>%&+=\"\'?(),{}": if c in newurl: raise FailPage("URL not accepted: This example only accepts simple URL's") pd = PageData() pd["redirector","url"] = newurl skicall.update(pd)