Below is a SubmitTextInput4 widget, which sends the text data input to an AllowStore responder, which inserts the data received into the footer.

The SubmitTextInput4 widget has been given the name 'setfootertext', and the field containing the sent data has name 'input_text'. Press Submit to send the text, which should then appear in the SimpleFooter.

Your input:

Below is a SimpleFooter widget.

Initial footer text

This table lists the Responders called to produce this page:

skiwidgets,5702SubmitDataSets up title and widget description
skiwidgets,5704This pagefooters.SimpleFooter template

This is a ShowCallData widget, which displays the contents of the skicall.call_data dictionary.


Below is the Python file which populates this page.

import os

from skipole import FailPage, GoTo, ValidateError, ServerError, ServeFile, PageData, SectionData

def index(skicall):
    "Called by a SubmitData responder, and sets up the page"

    # the title and widget decription is in section 'header' which contains a
    # HeadText widget with name 'title' and a TextBlockPara widget with name 'widgetdesc'
    # It also has a ButtonLink2 widget with name 'tomodule'
    headersection = SectionData('header')
    headersection['title', 'large_text'] = 'SimpleFooter'
    # A textblock contains the widget description
    ref = "widgets.footers.SimpleFooter"
    headersection['widgetdesc','textblock_ref'] = ref
    headersection['widgetdesc','text_refnotfound'] = f'Textblock reference {ref} not found'
    # link to this widgets module page
    headersection['tomodule','button_text'] = "Module: footers"
    headersection['tomodule','link_ident'] = skicall.makepath('footers')

    # this code file contents is placed in section 'codefile' which contains a
    # PreText widget with name 'pretext'
    codesection = SectionData('codefile')
    code = os.path.realpath(__file__)
    with open(code) as f:
        codesection['pretext', 'pre_text'] =

def settext(skicall):
    """Responds to submission from the SubmitTextInput4 widget form.
       Called by an AllowStore responder with general_json page as its
       target so the simplefooter widget is updated via a JSON responce,
       and dynamically updates the page."""

    if ("setfootertext","input_text") not in skicall.call_data:
        raise FailPage(message="No submission received")

    pd = PageData()
    pd['simplefooter','footer_text'] = skicall.call_data["setfootertext","input_text"]