Module: checkbox

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Checkbox widgets and forms.

CheckBox1A checkbox in a div - but without a form or submit button, typically included within a form.
On error, a paragraph above the checkbox will display the error message.
CheckBox2A checkbox in a span - but without a form or submit button, typically included within a form. Does not display errors.
CheckBoxTable1Textblock reference widgets.checkbox.CheckBoxTable1 not found
CheckInputsA div holding a checkbox with a container to hold further input fields. Without a form or submit button, typically included within a form.
The checkbox controls contained text input fields (not other types of input) which must initially be set as enabled/disabled to match the checkbox state.
The input fields are only enabled when the checkbox is checked, requires javascript enabled on the client browser.
CheckedTextCheckbox and text input field, the checkbox enables or disables the text field. No form or submit capability, intended for insertion into a form.
SubmitCheckBox1A form with a checkbox input field, and four hidden fields. Submit button follows input field in a span.